This ‘no budget’, impromptu educational film is a collaboration between Fade2Black Productions and the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape. The film was made to record the culmination of a more collaborative ongoing social initiative between Net Vir Pret, based in Barrydale and focussed on Youth Development; The Handspring Puppet Company; The Ukwanda Puppetry Collective; and a range of artists and academics from the Centre of Humanities Research.
The main objective and themes raised with this film is to empower and promote agency in youth who live on the demographic and geographical fringes of Cape Town society. They engage with their slave history through the use of theatre and pupperty performance. All music and narratives were written by the youth of Barrydale participating in the Net Vir Pret initatives, with the support of artists and academics from or linked to the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape.
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